8/6/11: fraufraulein, Studio Z, St Paul MN

This Saturday, August 6th, Anne + I will be giving a special little concert in the Twin Cities, at Studio Z in downtown St Paul.

fraufraulein concert, 8/6/11

This concert has been arranged and promoted by Jesse Goin, and here’s what he has to say about it:

Crow with no mouth promotions is presenting the second in its 2011 concert series of electro-acoustic music on August 6th, 2011, from 8:00 – 10:00 p.m, at Z Studio in downtown St. Paul. There will be two sets of music – Fraufraulein, the duo project of Anne Guthrie and Billy Gomberg [N.Y.C.], and a solo set by Nathan McLaughlin [Sauk Cenre, Minnesota]. I discovered these three musicians in the last couple of years through the usual skeins of linked curiosity, serendipity and, in the case of McLaughlin, my blog, crow with no mouth [McLaughlin contacted me, expressing interest in a Minneapolis performance].

Anne and Billy have a working duo called Fraufraulein, integrating field recordings, electronics, French horn and sundry other sound sources. Gomberg has developed diverse, even divergent areas of music – at times pitch-based, moored by soft pulses, as on his excellent And/Oar release, Comme, reminiscent of Supersilent or Steinbruchel; in Fraufraulein, Gomberg is focused almost totally on fitting and folding discreet electronic textures and timbres into the duo’s mix. Gomberg is refreshingly unensnared by style/genre biases, and his various projects are evidence that his omnivore’s approach to sound does not result in diminishing returns.

I discovered Anne Guthrie through her stunning release on Engraved Glass, Standing sitting, three location recordings subtly limned with sine tones and a nearly invisible contextualization that sneaks up and reveals itself upon repeated listens. On her summer 2011 release on Copy For Your Records, Perhaps A Favorable Organic Moment, Guthrie goes a ways towards revivifying the area of music integrating location recordings, electronics, and real-time improvisation.

Guthrie the improvising French horn player I first encountered in Delicate Sen, a fantastic trio of Guthrie, Gomberg and Richard Kamerman, in which at times, contrary to what you might imagine would be the case when a French horn is embedded with two electronicists, Guthrie’s is the least delicate voice. Trained as both a composer and an improviser, and like Gomberg, genuinely indifferent to the limitations of genre-adherence, Guthrie can put the French horn through Bill Dixonesque paces, or float warm, sustained tones over the crackle and jangle of her compatriots.

Nathan McLaughlin’s reel-to-reel and synth-based creations, Echolocations # 2, 3 & 5, own moments of authentic beauty and mystery – some of his loops sound like chopped and screwed ambient music, some like a less-dire Jason Lescalleet. Though the Echolocation series is, according to McLaughlin, of a specific time and approach to melodic development now in his rear-view mirror, I asked him to bring the reel-to-reel work to this concert. I am pleased as hell McLaughlin will make the trip here, as he rarely plays out.

Please join us at Studio Z on August 6, 8:00 p.m., for two sets of music by three superb musicians.

Saturday, August 6, 8:00 PM
z studio
275 east 4th st
st. paul, minnesota

Studio Z is located in the Northwestern Building at 275 E. Fourth St. in the Lowertown neighborhood of downtown St. Paul. Look for the big, red neon Z in the window. Detailed directions are here.

and hey, here’s the facebook event page if that is your kinda thing:

Facebook Event


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Billy Gomberg
Music & Photography
San Francisco, California